今天接到一個可疑的電話, 希望也是在美國的大家可以警惕,
這是我在某網站的留言, 我直接貼上來了~

I receive a call from 517-931-2012 at 9:00PM today. He said they provide gift cards for VISA holder. He has my credit card number, my address, my email address, and my phone number!!!

He said he will send me gift cards but never mentions the charges. Just want me to say "YES" and it will be recorded. I said "I reject" but he just repeat his word again and again, finally I hang up the call.

Then I search online find they will make an unauthorized charge to my credit card!! So I call my credit card company and request a new account/card because I might say a "ya" or something during the conversation.

You can search the 1-800-922-3615 to see the complains. The person gave me this phone number. I feel so stupid to talk with them for 10 mins, I should hang up immediately.

I also publish this comment on "WhoCallsme?" website.

我真的快被自己氣死了, 居然被詐騙集團盧了那麼久,
甚至有可能在電話中的哪個"yes" or "ya" 就被他們利用來當作收取費用的依據(他們都有錄音),
被小唸了一下, 本來就不應該相信那麼晚打來的電話,
我真是白癡 = =a, 還以為自己很精明的, 唉,
Anyway, 我馬上就打去信用卡公司並申請了一張新信用卡,
新的信用卡會在7天後寄到, 我上網看我的online帳戶已經顯示關閉,

This is a SCAM!! Welcome to America!


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