Denver下大暴風雪了...超誇張的~~文末附一張Mike同學家裡樓下腳踏車被淹埋的照片 XDDD

As far as snow is concerned, this March has been all hype and no white.

But with forecasters calling for the month to roar out on the tail of a storm threatening to bury Denver in 11 to 19 inches of snow starting today, the Colorado Department of Transportation is ready to roll.

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今天接到一個可疑的電話, 希望也是在美國的大家可以警惕,
這是我在某網站的留言, 我直接貼上來了~

I receive a call from 517-931-2012 at 9:00PM today. He said they provide gift cards for VISA holder. He has my credit card number, my address, my email address, and my phone number!!!

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所以順便和琬凌, 小賴賴, 子熒聚一聚,

週三晚上住的是琬凌家, 由於琬凌要上班, 小賴要趕回lab當好學生,

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這是寒假回來後, 和Jannice第一次的會面,

一如往常, Jannice問我與阿高有沒有特別想去的地方,
說實在的, 要我與阿高想出什麼意見實在很難耶~大概就是hiking之類的吧! XD

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比上次一元還要划算的來了! 這次是免費唷!

先到pixnet網站上申請註冊一個帳號, 登入後進入以下網站輸入通關密語,

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